
Thursday, November 25, 2010

Dallas done - like dinner -

MINNEAPOLIS - JANUARY 17:  Jerry Jones, Owner ...Image by Getty Images via @daylife
By Terrance Gavan - managing editor PTE
Edmonton - Nov 25th - from the Grey Cup
Dallas past - once passing - now pissed - probably placid pssts of - please call jack Kevorkian ... we need an intervention ...
It was sad watching the band of mooks -  way up in the owners' skybox ... at that great phallic rumpproast that Jerry Jones built as a testament to America's Team.
I have no idea what they call that monstrosity.
Dallas Dung Bowl?
Cowboy's Lament?
Shit it's big, it's expensive, it's midl-life retro... so let's just call it what it is.
The Jerry Jones - Geez I must have one Fuck of a Small Penis Emporium.
They flashed to Jones's box right after Dallas took a four point lead over Drew Brees' NawLeans Saints this afternoon.
Jones and his cheesy chorus line of obsequious juke and jive jamalks were doing some sort of line-lap dance.
I think I saw some champagne hitting the Persian rug.
I saw Jerry's big schmoozie smile.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Brett Favre - Forrk please - he's done Screenshot Featuring Brett Favre -...Image by DavidErickson via Flickr brett brett brett!
By terrance Gavan - managing Editor
I don't even know what I saw on Sunday.
I watched Brett Favre discombobulate slowly over a roasted fire.
Spun round a la rotisserie, the pregnant pause in a short hysterical rant.
Gulped and goobered by his old teammates.
Put Brett on the grill, baste often and don't spare the heat.
Baste that blubbered old soul till he's shoe leather.
The Vikings are imploding.
Teammates dropping the f-bomb on one another like it was slaughterhouse 5 in Dresden.
Brad the Sad Childress can't get along with his diva.
And why that poor grizzled mook is still there only god knows.
Brett and his sexting only serves to place a nice plop on a season whirling down a big drain.
I give up.
Brett was doing some math in his presser after the game.
here's the math Brett.
The whole has to be greater than the sum of its parts.....
and it's not.

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Sunday, November 21, 2010

Too cold for football - Play Cup indoors

January 2001. Kicker Lui Passaglia & quarterba...Image via Wikipedia
By Terrance GAVAN
The CFL needs to reset their thinking.
First we need to get the grey cup back to an afternoon start
And then we have to get it to venues that can support an influx of idiosyncratic fans from across Canada.
Some of us don't use anti-freeze.
And it gets effin cold out in Edmonton.
This time of year.
The cup should be played indoors.
I will be in Edmonton this year.
Freezing ..........
Because they mandate a 4 pm start and the sun is down.
So even when we luck out with weather like we did in Calgary last year ... We still lose to the nite sky.
BC, TO and Montreal should rotate until Winnipeg gets a dome.
And no.
This is not a wimp blog.
It's a frank indictment re the length of a season that could end in October. BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop
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